
GET v1/Attachment/DownloadAttachmentFile?FileId={FileId}&ModuleName={ModuleName}&MISKEY={MISKEY}

Download Attachment File.

GET v1/Attachment/DownloadTempAttachmentFile?FileGUID={FileGUID}&MISKEY={MISKEY}

Download Attachment from Temp Directory.

GET v1/Attachment/GetAttachment?FileId={FileId}&ModuleName={ModuleName}

Get Attachment Details.


POST v1/Customer/CustomerContactInsert

Allows the user to insert one or many customer contacts.

POST v1/Customer/CustomerContactUpdate

Allows the user to update one or many customer contacts.

POST v1/Customer/CustomerInsert

Adds a new customer

POST v1/Customer/CustomerList

Returns Customers List

POST v1/Customer/CustomerListByCustomerID

Returns Customers List By CustomerID

POST v1/Customer/CustomerMailerIDList

Returns Customer's Mailer list

POST v1/Customer/CustomerPostageAccountList

Returns the list of postage accounts for a customer

POST v1/Customer/GetCustomerDepositAccount

Returns the list of postage accounts for a customer


POST v1/DJB/DJBJobStatusList

Get DJB Job Status List

POST v1/DJB/DJBStatusUpdate

Update DJB Status


POST v1/Estimate/EstimateInsert

Add an estimate

POST v1/Estimate/EstimateUpdate

Update an existing estimate


DELETE v1/Generic/InvoiceDelete

Soft deletes an Invoice (Active to 0)

GET v1/Generic/CustomerPaymentDelete?customerPaymentNumber={customerPaymentNumber}

Delete customer payment record in Midnight

POST v1/Generic/CheckInvoice

Checks if Invoicing is off or on. Also gives equivalent order number or invoice number

POST v1/Generic/CustomerAccountingUpdate

Updates customer record AccountingId and SyncToken

POST v1/Generic/CustomerContactInsert

Allows the user to insert one or many customer contacts from PRC.

POST v1/Generic/CustomerContactList

Returns Customer's Contact List

POST v1/Generic/CustomerContactUpdate

Allows the user to update one or many customer contacts from PRC.

POST v1/Generic/CustomerOrderEstPostageList

Return all of Customer's Orders

POST v1/Generic/CustomerOrderList

Return all of Customer's Orders

POST v1/Generic/CustomerOrderSummaryList

Return all Orders of a Customer

POST v1/Generic/CustomerOrderVersionEstPostageList

Return all of Customer's Order version est Postage

POST v1/Generic/CustomerOrderVersionEstPostageSummaryList

No documentation available.

POST v1/Generic/CustomerOrderVersionList

Return all of Customer's Order version

POST v1/Generic/CustomerPaymentInsert

Create customer payment record(s) in Midnight

POST v1/Generic/CustomerSavedCardList

Get saved card list for a customer from Midnight based on CustomerID

POST v1/Generic/DeleteCustomerPaymentToken

Delete FSCustomerPaymentToken record in Midnight

POST v1/Generic/EnableInvoicing

Set Invoice Status to Active or InActive.

POST v1/Generic/GetCustomerAddressDetail

Get Address based on input parameters

POST v1/Generic/GetCustomerDepositAccountList

Return all of Customer's Deposit Accounts

POST v1/Generic/GetCustomerList

Get List of Customer based on the provided parameters

POST v1/Generic/GetCustomerPaymentOrderList

Get List of Customer Payment Orders based on the provided parameters

POST v1/Generic/GetJobLineItems

Get Job line items quantity values based on estimate guid (rowId)

POST v1/Generic/GetJobsData

Get Job Details based on the provided Guid/JobID/JobNumber

POST v1/Generic/GetJobsList?customerId={customerId}

Get Active Job List

POST v1/Generic/GetNewInvoiceNo

Return System New Customer Payment Number

POST v1/Generic/GetPaymentTerms

Return System Terms List

POST v1/Generic/GetPrintReachPayTransactionDetail

Get List of PrintReach Transactions based on the provided parameters

POST v1/Generic/GetTaxJurisdiction

Return Tax Jurisdiction List

POST v1/Generic/GetTitle?orderId={orderId}

Return Project Name from Order

POST v1/Generic/InsertPaymentTerms

Creates new payment request.

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceDraftCheck

Checks draft Invoice for any new changes from previously saved Invoice Record

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceInsert

Creates invoice for a customer.

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceList

Return all of New Invoices

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceMethodInsert

Creates new Invoice method for a customer.

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceMethodUpdate

Updates existing Invoice Method for a customer

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceSelect

Returns invoice for a customer based on the customer payment record.

POST v1/Generic/InvoiceUpdate

Allows the user to update a invoice based on guid.

POST v1/Generic/LastUsedSavedCard

Get saved card list for a customer from Midnight based on CustomerID

POST v1/Generic/PaymentHistoryList

Get payment history list based on customerId or all customers

POST v1/Generic/PaymentMethodDelete

Deletes existing Payment Method for a customer

POST v1/Generic/PaymentMethodInsert

Creates new payment method for a customer. PaymentType needs to be "Credit Card" or "ACH".

POST v1/Generic/PaymentMethodList

Get saved payment method list for a customer based on CustomerID

POST v1/Generic/PaymentMethodUpdate

Updates existing Payment Method for a customer

POST v1/Generic/PaymentTermsUpdate

Updates TermCode record External AccountingId

POST v1/Generic/ProgramFee

Returns Program fee from Global Setting

POST v1/Generic/SavePaymentMethod

Save New Payment Card (FS Customer Payment Token Insert)

POST v1/Generic/SavePaymentMethodACH

Save New ACH Token (FS Customer Payment Token Insert)

POST v1/Generic/TaxJurisdictionUpdate

Updates Tax Jurisdiction record External AccountingID

POST v1/Generic/TermsList

Return System Terms List

POST v2/Generic/PaymentHistoryList

Get payment history list based on customerId or all customers


POST v1/Item/InventoryList

Get the InventoryList

POST v1/Item/WarehouseLocationList

Get Warehouse location list


GET v1/JobCost/OrderOtherJobCostList?OrderNumber={OrderNumber}

Get Operation List

POST v1/JobCost/GetTimeCardData

Get TimeCard Data

POST v1/JobCost/JobCostServiceTimeEntry

Allows performing a 'Job Cost Service Time Entry'.

POST v1/JobCost/OperationList

Get Operation List


POST v1/Licensee/CompanyList

Get Comapnies List

POST v1/Licensee/CountryList

Get Countries List


GET v1/Midnight/GetAPIStatus?MISKey={MISKey}

Returns Health check info

POST v1/Midnight/CustomerPaymentInsert

Create customer payment record(s) in Midnight

POST v1/Midnight/GetPaymentSurchargeInfo

Returns surcharge info for a payment based on global settings and customer surcharge settings.


POST v1/NexusTax/NexusTaxDelete

Allow user to delete one or more nexus tax record

POST v1/NexusTax/NexusTaxInsert

Allows user to add one or more nexus tax to the nexus tax record

POST v1/NexusTax/NexusTaxList

Returns Nexus Tax List

POST v1/NexusTax/NexusTaxUpdate

Update Nexus Tax


POST v1/OneSourceTax/OneSourceCalculateCommitReSubmit

Call Thomson Reuters OneSource REST API for calculating and committing tax ReSubmission and applying to Midnight estimates/orders

POST v1/OneSourceTax/OneSourceCalculateTax

Call Thomson Reuters OneSource REST API for calculating and committing tax and applying to Midnight estimates/orders


GET v1/Order/ShipStationTrackingInfo?start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}

Returns one or more orders for ShipStation

POST v1/Order/EntireOrderGet

Returns an entire order.

POST v1/Order/OrderList

Returns one or more orders and summary information associated with each order.

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionComplete

Order Version Complete

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionDelete

Order Version Delete

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionDetailDelete

Delete Order Version Detail

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionDetailInsert

Adds a service line item to an order version

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionDetailList

Return the list of OrderVersionDetail

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionDetailUpdate

Updates order version service line item information

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionDropDelete

Deletes an order version drop record

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionInventoryList

Return the list of OrderVersionInventory

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionList

Return the list of OrderVersion

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionOtherJobCostInsert

Adds the OrderVersionOtherJobCost information

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionOtherJobCostUpdate

Updates the OrderVersionOtherJobCost information

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionPostageDetailUpdate

Updates order version postage detail information

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionPostageInsert

Adds postage used on an order version

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionPostageList

Returns list of postage used on an order version

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionPostageUpdate

Updates order version postage information

POST v1/Order/OrderVersionUpdate

Update Order Version


GET v1/ShipStation?start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}

Returns one or more orders for ShipStation

POST v1/ShipStation

Processes shipping updates from ShipStation


GET v1/ShipStationReadyToShip

Returns one or more orders for ShipStation that are Ready to Ship

POST v1/ShipStationReadyToShip

Processes shipping updates from ShipStation that are Ready to Ship


POST v1/SystemSettings/ContactTypeList

Return ContactType List

POST v1/SystemSettings/DeliveryMethodList

Return Delivery Method List

POST v1/SystemSettings/JobTypeList

Return JobType List

POST v1/SystemSettings/MailClassList

Return System Mail Class List

POST v1/SystemSettings/MailGeographyList

Return System Mail Geography List

POST v1/SystemSettings/MailSortList

Return System Mail Sort List

POST v1/SystemSettings/PostOfficeList

Return System Post Office List

POST v1/SystemSettings/TermsList

Return System Terms List


POST v1/Token/RegenerateAuthToken

Generates a replacement API authorization token for an existing token using its refresh token.

POST v1/Token/UserAuthentication

Generates API authorization token for domain and user.

POST v1/Token/UserLogout

Removes an existing API authorization token.


POST v1/Vendor/VendorContactInsert

Allows users to insert one or many vendor contacts.

POST v1/Vendor/VendorContactUpdate

Allows users to update one or many vendor contacts.

POST v1/Vendor/VendorInsert

Add vendor/s

POST v1/Vendor/VendorUpdate

Update vendor/s